Empowering Farmers for Sustainable Growth and Prosperity
About UsAgago district farmer’s association is using agency model in promoting and marketing of cassava, shea butter, oils seeds (simsim and sunflowers).
Within the project we are developing high-quality cassava and other products to widen the market and promote cassava growing as one way of combating climate change challenge and food insecurity we work with both rural women and men to enhance their capacity in mitigating and adapting to climate change by having divers livelihood options, practicing climate smart agriculture, improving access to finance through VSLAs/ linkage to financial institutions and environmental conservation these make the women and men more resilience in combating climate change effects with improved livelihoods of income promoting equitable economic development. Individuals seeking premium farm goods should contact the Agago District Farmers Association. Along with healthy eating, we value honesty, responsibility, efficiency, and reliability. Furthermore, we give back to the community by helping small-scale farmers become more resistant to climate change.
Contact UsI’m Olweny James, and I founded the Agago District Farmers Association. Growing up in the Agago district’s Kalongo town council many years ago, my family always had money problems.
I’ve always wanted to work with small-scale farms to make goods that would help them join different agricultural value chains, become more resilient, and adjust to climate change. Following conversations with others who had come to the same conclusion, I understood that I could make superior honey, oil seed, shea butter, and cassava goods to assist small-scale farms in making more money while also protecting the environment and creating jobs for women and young people. As a result of our work with smallholder farmers, on-the-spot advisory services, ready market for farming produce, and education of our customers about our products, the goods can meet market demand and create jobs. Changing business factors, climate change, technology, and my own way of thinking have all given me problems to solve.
The Acholi people who live in Agago are agropastoralists, which means they raise animals and grow crops at the same time. Many families lost their animals during the LRA war and now mostly grow crops for food and to make money.
Cereals, beans, and veggies like cassava and sweet potatoes are grown. Growing cotton for money is common. Domestic animals like chickens, goats, and horses are common in homes.
There are many kinds of cultures in the area, and Luo is the major language spoken there. In this society, people are grouped into different groups, and leaders are seen as very important. Consider. Harvested crops are stored in granaries, and June and July are lean months when grains are hard to come by.
In the fertile savannah grass and mountain slopes, crops are grown. The vegetation cover is mostly woody savannah grass land with a few wetlands. The climate has wet and dry seasons. It rains from late March to late June, but it never rains in July. This is called the first season. From mid-August to late October, it rains more, which is called the second season. The rest of the months are dry with no rain.
How is
the cassava
Clearing and ploughing the land with a tractor, oxen, or a hand hoe is done before it starts to rain. Three weeks after ploughing, holes are dug one meter apart with a hand hoe, and grown cassava cuttings are planted. Weeding is sometimes done after planting. The cassava is ready to be picked after 8 to 10 months.
How is
the cassava
Clearing and ploughing the land with By manually hoeing and uprooting, then transporting for processing. The ladies clean the cassava tubers, then they are pilled, rinsed, and sent to the chipper. Tapeline that has dried on later. It is ground, packaged, kept, and sold after drying.
Our Mission
To work with smallholder farmers to create business opportunities within agricultural value chains and transform their livelihoods.
Our Vision
To be resilient to changing business environment and inspire smallholder farmers to be more adaptive to climate change.
Standing by our principles, vision, and mission
We stand by our standards, process, and quality—communicating well with consumers through a feedback mechanism
Following right procedures and technical guidelines in growing, processing, and packaging of cassava flour
We believe in our customers and promise to give back value formoney
Nutritional Value
Energy Source:
Cassava is high in carbohydrates, particularly starch, making it an excellent energy source
Rich in Dietary Fiber:
It supports digestive health and can help prevent constipation
Vitamins and Minerals:
Cassava contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, which are important for overall health
Cassava is naturally gluten-free, making it a suitable alternative for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity
Cassava can be prepared in various forms, such as boiled, fried, or mashed. It is also processed into flour, which is used in baking and cooking
Economic Value
Cassava is a resilient crop that can be grown in poor soil conditions with minimal inputs, making it an important crop for food security in developing countries.
It can be processed into multiple products, such as tapioca, starch, and animal feed, providing economic opportunities for farmers
Potential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatory Properties:
Cassava leaves are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals and contain anti-inflammatory compounds
Rich in Resistant Starch:
This type of starch acts like fiber in the body, improving gut health and aiding in blood sugar control
Customers also commented on how good the bread and kalo tasted. It tastes sweet and has a nice aroma. The flour color was attractive, looking white like wheat flour, and there was no trouble mixing.
Brosma Co. Ltd.
Jinja city, Uganda
Customers praised the flour’s cleanliness and high standards, saying it tastes sweet and has a pleasant aroma. The flour’s colour was a pleasing white, similar to wheat flour.
Kelthan Food Industry
Ntinda Mukono , Uganda